Wealthy Affiliate Co-founder and Owner
“Effective design isn’t the process of adding more, it is the focused process of being able to take away and simplify.”
Carson is co-founder of the Wealthy Affiliate community and has played a critical role in taking ideas from the rawest of stages, and architecting them into a real world business application. He truly is passionate about making an idea come to life and do so in a way that offers the greatest form of simplicity.
I’m Carson, co-owner of Wealthy Affiliate…nice to meet you and great to have you here within the community 🙂
In a few words I’ll give you a little background about myself. I’ve got a Computer Science background, and that’s where Kyle and I first crossed paths. I love to learn, and I love to teach. My father in public and private education and my mother taught youngsters her entire career. I followed suit by creating a community here at Wealthy Affiliate where we focus on teaching folks how to leverage the power of the web to create Internet businesses!
I got my first Computer in 1994, and since then technology has always sparked my interest. Kyle and I created Wealthy Affiliate to bridge the gap between education, social networking, and technology. We’re a small tech company (in a sense) with big ideas!
You have come to Wealthy Affiliate to learn about Internet marketing and how to build an online business. Kyle and I have a combined 26 years experience with Internet marketing, starting out independently before joining forces in 2005 to create WealthyAffiliate.com.
You’ll find me here in discussions, in Live Chat, and within my profile helping out in every way I can. It is my goal to help absolutely everyone who is serious about building an Internet business.
When I’m not plugged-in I’m traveling, spending time with my family, or shooting hoops!
You have made a great decision to be part of our community, and I look forward to getting to know and work with you!
What is Affiliate Marketing? – What is Wealthy Affiliate? – A Little Bit About Scott Hinkle… – How Does This Program Work? – Let’s Get Started
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