Welcome to another program review here on Small Online Biz. As you probably know, I try to review different products, services, and platforms, to save you time, energy, and money. There are so many options out there; it’s simply not feasible to try them all yourself. Besides, who has the time or even wants to spend the time to vet every “opportunity” they come across? I assume that’s why you’re here reading this post.
Today, we’re going to talk about the 30-Day Success Formula. We’ll cover what it is, how it works, who it’s for, whether or not it’s a scam, and potential alternatives you might consider. By the time you’ve finished reading this, you should have a good idea what the 30-Day Success Formula is, if it’s a good fit for you, and if you should consider a different solution.
Table of Contents
Now that the introduction is out of the way, let’s talk about what the 30-Day Success Formula actually is…
Actually, I can’t really make it out. On the one hand, you have what appears to be an affiliate marketing program and, on the other, an MLM-Esque cash grab. That said, here’s the “official” definition (as pulled from their website):
Simon Petrowski created the 30-Day Success Formula as a way to address the declining offline direct mail industry by filling a need for a solid, easy to understand program selling real products, and run ethically.
Read the line above again as we’ll circle back to some of these claims later in this post.
In short, you go into business by offering a product/service through offline direct mailing.
Let’s take a look at how it’s supposed to work…
The 30-Day Success Formula process is as follows:
You buy-in at whatever level you want/can afford, and then you turn around and basically recruit others beneath you. Yes, the company automates the process and provides you with guides and material, etc. but, in the end, you’re looking to build a down line and generate income from sign-ups.
When you buy in, you send a certain amount of money to multiple parties — the people in your up line and the company itself. What’s interesting here is personal checks are an immediate no-no, and cash or money orders are the only accepted currency.
This gets me to my first red flag. Sending cash in the mail? Yes, it’s legal, but it’s not the brightest way to send money. Who’s to say your intended party received it? What if it gets stolen en route? It’s cash; you have no recourse.
Red flag number two. Money orders but not to a company? They actually state, “We do not accept personal checks under any circumstance… If sending a money order, please call to get instructions. We do not accept money orders made payable to 30-Day Success.” That’s right; you can’t send a money order to the name of the company or service. Now I haven’t personally called to see who I make the money order out to, but this seems quite suspicious to me.
Now, if this were as far as it went, just the money mailing aspect, this would be considered cash-gifting pyramid scam. The tricky part to this is that 30-Day Success Formula offers an actual product, thus skirting the line of distinction between a scam and legitimate opportunity.
Sadly, these products are just a smattering of PDF training modules, and the modules available to you depend on the level you join in at. Does this count as a real product? Yes, but I think we’re splitting hairs here. In fact, I’m not even going to list the various levels and what they contain. For the purposes of this review, just know that there are seven in total, ranging in price from $89 all the way up to $27,500.
Now the numbers they throw out are compelling, but, at the same time, you’re asked to buy in at higher levels to reap those higher rewards. That’s really the bait. You see the potential numbers and think, “OMG, that’s amazing. I want in on that!” so you’re urged to buy in at that higher level and send that cash on up.
So, now that we know how the system works and that it does offer products, let’s talk about who the 30-Day Success Formula is for…
I’d argue that, in the beginning, this program could have been good for anyone that joined early. Now, it’s pretty much just for those in the payment upstream. There’s going to be people at the bottom that are simply out money with no recourse other than to request a refund via the 90-day money-back guarantee. That was always going to be an inevitable outcome of this program.
Now, most people will perform a web search for reviews of the program, and that’s a good thing, but don’t just look at the reviews, look at the people providing the reviews. Is this the first thing they’re reviewing? How long have they been providing reviews? Basically, you’re trying to ascertain if they are really reviewing something or merely trying to sell it to you? That’s the problem with some review sites. They’re looking to get others to join to make money.
Take this website here. I provide reviews for all sorts of opportunities. As you probably know, I’m a big fan of Wealthy Affiliate. I give them great reviews, and I honestly believe in what they offer, but I also make money if you happen to go premium after following my link and signing up with them. It doesn’t cost you any more than if you went to them directly, but, as an affiliate marketer, my links are affiliate links, and they pay me a commission.
Now, I provide my honest thoughts and opinions on the programs and products that I review. There are many I suggest you stay away from, even though they’d pay me good money if you were to sign up. My reviews are not skewed or motivated by whether or not I’ll make money from them.
Now, I can’t say that for everyone out there. Some people will recommend products and services in the hopes of tricking you into joining up and, thus, making a buck off of you.
In the end, what I’m saying is that this program shouldn’t be for anyone, and that’s my honest opinion.
That said, let’s discuss if the 30-Day Success Formula is a scam…
So, is the 30-Day Success Formula a scam?
Officially? No. It is a legal program that’s not violating any laws (that I know of). Still, it’s sketchy at best and not something I’d recommend to anyone.
It’s really designed to prey on those looking for an easy opportunity with unbelievable payout potential. I mean, come on. Send in some money and mail a few things and wait for the piles of cash to come in. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of that?
Just like a cash-gifting scheme, there’s always someone at the bottom, waiting for their payment, and that’s just not a sustainable program. As for the product, it’s some PDF files and really an upsell mechanism. I genuinely believe this is the minimal effort option to skirt the “real product” requirement to be considered legal. So much for ethics. There are way better options out there.
Still, if you’re not convinced, check out this Fox News post about the 30-Day Success Formula and the BBB:
That alone should be a huge warning sign for you. Still, if it isn’t, consider this red flag. Just like other scammy programs out there, this one utilizes fake testimonials too.
It’s not a scam, but it’s not a great opportunity either, and I recommend you look elsewhere.
OK, so what are some legit alternatives? Let’s take a look…
With very little exception, you’re going to get out of something what you put into it. Look for opportunities that don’t make outrageous claims. Steer clear of ones that say you can make a ton of money with little to no work or those that say you can make X dollars is Y time, where X is high, and Y is short. Expect to devote time and effort to whatever opportunity you select.
To that end, I recommend three options:
Build a career. The pros are a reliable, predictable income and the potential for benefits (medical, paid leave, etc.).
Consider a diversified profile. If you have the means and don’t have an immediate need, set up a diversified investment portfolio. A right mix of investment options (401k, mutual funds, stocks, angel investments, CDs, and so on) is a great way to secure your future.
Whether it’s brick and mortar or online, this is a great way to start something bigger than yourself and build it to provide the income and security you’re looking for.
Now, if you really want to hedge your bets, do all the above. That’s what I’ve done. I work an IT job that I love, pays me well, and offers excellent benefits. At the same time, I’m investing some of my earnings and recently started an angel investing website devoted to connecting angel investors with one another to share experience, opinions, and so on (AngelPowwow.com). I have also started two website businesses that include affiliate marketing (thank you, Wealthy Affiliate).
Whatever you choose, be sure to do your homework and read those reviews with a bit of skepticism, especially if they’re all rainbows and unicorns. Make a move, but don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. You can always move more of your effort to a specific option once you’ve vetted it and know it’s the real thing.
So, there you have it. As far as I’m concerned, when it comes to the question, “What is the 30-Day Success Formula?”, my answer is, “It’s as close to a scam while remaining legit as it can be and should be avoided.”
Now I’d like to hear from you… Do you have experience with the 30-Day Success Formula? Do you agree or disagree with my assessment? Did I miss something that you think should be included here? Are there other options that should be listed? Please let me know by commenting below.
Thank you,
Scott Hinkle
Small Online Biz
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I agree with you that this is not a straight SCAM, but it is really close.
Cash only really is strange. I’m surprised they don’t take bitcoin. It really sounds like a pyramid scheme that is advertised as an MLM, since it does offer some products.
It would work for those people who can recruit others easily to be in their downline. I am not one of those people.
Great information and I think I will stay away from this one.
Thanks for taking the time to comment.
Yes, it’s very sketchy at best and I recommend that people skip this one.
Sadly, there are people that would promote this, looking for an easy mark, if you will. I’m glad you’re not one and neither am I.
Thanks again,
This reminds me of something that I dealt with back in my college year a couple of decades ago. I was sent a box of mailing supplies for this supposed company. This included a letter, envelopes and mailing labels with addresses on them. You only had to pay for the stamps. So you send these out to these hapless people and they mail you money back and you simply send them the same thing.
Needless to say, I never did that. I threw it all away. You would think that things would have advanced more by now.
Anyhow, thanks for the review. I always make sure to research things before falling in and I am definitely going to check out Wealthy Affiliate.
Thanks again for the review!
Hello there,
Yes, I remember something similar way back when too, LOL. I was like “Are you joking” back then and I have the same reaction now.
WA is a great platform and I do highly recommend it.
Thanks for taking the time to comment.