The Funnel Scripts Review | Is it Something You Need?

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I’ve been doing a lot of funnel research as of late and there’s no shortage of training programs and platforms out there. With so many options available, it can be hard to figure out what’s best for your situation.

Over the next few months, I’ll be releasing reviews on the more popular options out there, in an effort to provide a basis for comparison. I’ve already reviewed the One Funnel Away Challenge. Next stop, Funnel Scripts?

Consider today’s post, The Funnel Scripts Review. It is my hope that, by the time you’ve finished reading this, you’ll have a better understanding of what a funnel is, what Funnel Scripts offers, if it will work for you and if you really need Funnel Scripts or not.

  • Name: Funnel Scripts
  • URL:
  • Features/Offerings: 5.0
  • Ease of Use: 4.5
  • Speed: 5.0
  • Utility: 4.5
  • Price: One-Time $799
  • Rating: 4.75

As you read through this post, please take notes as to what you like, what you dislike, any questions I didn’t answer for you and anything you think I missed or should add. At the end, I’d really appreciate it if you would share them with me, using the comment system.

Now, let’s get started…


What is a Funnel?What is a Funnel?

The short explanation is that a funnel is a path that you take your visitors down in order to obtain the desired result. That result could be simply singing up for your mailing list, making a purchase, filling out a form and so on.

One example is this image of the coffee bean funnel. Its goal is to guide the beans to the grinder, have them ground, brew a cup of coffee through the freshly ground beans and deliver it into a cup for me to enjoy.

A better example is a funnel designed to make a sale. It would work as follows:

  • Visit the site
  • View the product or product review
  • Add the product to the shopping cart
  • Make the purchase

This is an extremely simplified example but it conveys the idea pretty well. What’s really important about a funnel, is understanding why it’s called a funnel in the first place. The idea is that a funnel has a wide mouth and gets narrower and narrower as you progress down it. Now apply this description to your website traffic:

  • At first, a lot of people enter the funnel. They visited your site.
  • Only a handful actually viewed the product or product review.
  • Even less added the item to their shopping cart.
  • Finally, one or two actually made a purchase.

As you can see, from the example above, as you, or rather your visitors, traverse down the funnel, many drop off and never make it to the end. Designing a funnel and driving/guiding your traffic to obtain your desired goal is the true purpose of creating funnels.

If you’d like to learn more about funnels in general, check out Neil Patel’s post on How Marketing Funnels Work. You can also check out Miles Beckler’s YouTube Video on What is a Marketing Funnel? below:

Now, let’s get to what Funnel Scripts is…

What is Funnel Scripts?What is Funnel Scripts?

In a nutshell, Funnel Scripts, brought to you by Russell Brunson and Jim Edwards (two well-known industry experts), looks to replace your copywriter and automate the copy writing process.

Your copy is your bread and butter. You need to be able to capture your audience and engage them quickly. If you don’t, chances are, many will drop out before reaching the end of your funnel and taking the desired action. The problem is, most people aren’t copywriters and writing good copy isn’t as easy as many think.

The natural solution would be to hire a copywriter. Guess what? They’re expensive (at least the good ones are). For many of us, paying thousands of dollars, per funnel (or even a piece of a funnel), is simply not in the budget. I’ll be honest with you right here. I’m writing my own copy. I’m hoping you find it interesting and engaging but the simple truth is, I don’t have a copy writing degree or budget.

Funnel Scripts is all about automation. The way it works is, it asks for some basic input, such as product information, benefits it provides and so on. Then it takes that information and combines it with proven, prewritten material to generate high quality, attention getting copy. It will even provide multiple options to choose from, allowing you to customize it further. There are over 60 scripts and several wizards to help you build your funnels.

The true advantages are as follows:

  • It uses source material with a proven track record.
  • There are scripts for virtually every situation. Emails, sales pages, Facebook news feeds, etc. Funnel Scripts has you covered.
  • It’s customizable.
  • It’s a lot cheaper than hiring a copywriter.
  • Creating the copy is quick. It’s really a huge time saver.

Another thing that’s nice about Funnel Scripts is that it throws in some extras…

  • Inception Secrets – This is a recording of one of Russell Brunson’s live trainings.
  • 5 Fast Shared Funnels – prebuilt ClickFunnel funnels that can be used if you have a ClickFunnels account.
  • Funnel Blueprints – A nice reference for each script within Funnel Scripts. It’s also interactive, allowing you to click on the script in the PDF to access the actual script within the platform itself.

A couple of things that I don’t like about it are:

  • It’s still expensive for my tastes – I’m a guy with a couple of websites, working a full-time job and doing this on the side. That said, even though it’s a lot cheaper than hiring a copywriter, it’s still pricey for my use. I wish they offered an X uses per month option where I can run one a week or so at a greatly reduced price. That said, right now, they’re offering a one-time fee vs a subscription so, if you do buy it, you have it for life.
  • Some of the templates are pretty thin – Don’t get me wrong there’s a tone of stuff in here and a lot of good material. Still, some are a little lackluster.

Oh, I forgot to mention, If you don’t see a script that’s right for your needs, you can request one be created for you. That’s amazing. If you have a specific need and can articulate what you’re looking for to the Funnel Scripts team, they’ll make it for you! That’s pretty cool.

Will it Work for You?Will it Work for You?

Yes and no. It will work for you if you actually use it and apply yourself. Just like any other endeavor, it’s not a click it and forget it solution. It’s quick and saves you a lot of time but you still have to do your part. You have to figure out what type of funnel you’re building, have an end goal and you’ll need to actually go through the building process and then apply the results to your workflow.

In the end, the only one that can tell you if it will truly work for you is you. You should check out Funnel Scripts introduction video, that will explain it all, before you make a final decision, here:

Funnel Scripts Free Web Class

Do you Need it?Do you Need it?

Do you need Funnel Scripts, no. You can write your own copy, hire it out, use another tool and so on. The real question here is: Will Funnel Scripts save your time, money or both? In my opinion, yes it will.

Time is money – If you’re good at writing engaging content that converts, and you feel your time is well spent doing so, consider skipping Funnel Scripts. If you’re not, or you feel that your time can be better spent elsewhere, Funnel Scripts might be just what you’ve been looking for. There’s nothing worse than spending days or even weeks writing your copy, only to discover that it doesn’t get the results you were looking for or realizing that a solution like Funnel Scripts can get you the same or better results with just a few minutes worth of effort.

If you have the budget, it’s worth checking out. At the very least you’ll have some great content and tools to piece together your own copy, tweaked to your satisfaction.


All-in-all, Funnel Scripts is a great platform that will save you a ton of time and provide you with customized copy for your funnels. For me, I’m not there yet. Still, I keep finding myself returning to the purchase page time and time again, itching to pull the trigger.

I have a lot of friends in the online business world that swear by this tool and recommend it hands-down. At the very least, follow this link and watch the video:

Funnel Scripts Free Web class

If funnels aren’t your thing or you prefer to take a long road approach to build a connection with your audience, consider checking out my personal top pick:

Wealthy Affiliate

What do you think of The Funnel Scripts Review?  Do you have experience with the Funnel Scripts Platform? If so, what do you think of it? Did I miss a feature you think should be listed here? Is there a con I should list? Please let me know by commenting below

Thank you,

Scott Hinkle


4 thoughts on “The Funnel Scripts Review | Is it Something You Need?”

  1. MissusB says:

    Count me in as one of those who are not good at copywriting! I was supposed to ask if I would be needing it as a newbie but then you already gave the answer – no. I think I will try writing on my own and see how it goes before grabbing the opportunity to get this platform. I like how these tools can help a blogger produce a professional and high converting copy. It can really aid a content writer rearrange some words for you but the question is how much would it cost?

    Thank you for introducing this platform. This has been a great help to think about things that can provide assistance among content writer to save time and create useful articles. I will be looking forward for another funnel review. 

    1. Scott Hinkle says:


           One of the biggest concerns people bring up is their ability to write.  My response is usually “Give it a try and see how it goes.  If you find that it’s not for you, take a look at other options such as hiring a writer, getting people to post guest blogs and so on.”.

      With the introduction of these tools, the process has become easier for many.  That said, these funnels tend to focus on the high pressure side of things and many have the time’s running out push.  I’m not that aggressive and prefer to offer my help and then offer solutions further down the line.

      It may take longer, but I think it builds a better relationship with my visitor.  Now, if you’re looking to make a sale and move on, the high pressure funnel may be the way to go for you.

      As for price, right now it’s going for a one-time fee of $799.  This gives you access for life.  The real question is, will you use it and if so, for how long before you start writing your own copy, now that you know how to do it?

      I look forward to your return visits.


  2. Henry says:

    Hi Scott! I’m not very good at writing. And writing my own copy is challenging. So I’m excited I found Funnel Scripts. I’ll give it a try and work hard with it! In my case, it will sure save me a lot of time. And as you have mentioned, that alone means I might be saving money. Thank you very much for this very honest review.

    1. Scott Hinkle says:

      Hello there,

           I’m glad you found my review useful.  Funnel Scripts has a huge following and it work for so many people.  I’m sure you’ll be happy with it.

      Time is the true currency isn’t it.  Back in the day, I used to simply focus on making money.  Today, I actually sit back and say is this return enough to justify the time it will take.  Time is really precious.

      Thank you,


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